Do you do most of your Etsy shopping on your phone? I know I do and with the phone apps for Silhouette and Cricut, now you can even make all your projects straight from your phone. You can still use your Etsy app to make your purchases, however, you can not download your items from the app. Here is a little hack on how to download svgs to your iPhone from Etsy.
Step 1:
Open your internet browser and go to Login in and under your profile go to purchases and reviews.

Step 2:
Click on the item you want to download, find the download button and select the files to download. I should also mention when you click on your purchase you are given information like the FAQs.
Step 3:
This screen will have a note from the seller and the files to download. For this Flower Pop Up Card, the SVG file and a licensing file can both be downloaded.

Step 4:
Select the SVG file and you will be prompted again to make sure you do want to download this file. Click download.

Step 5:
The download will automatically save to your iCloud, which you can access from your files folder. iCloud Drive > Downloads. Files are saved in alphabetical order.

From here you can easily move your files into your google drive or access them from the iCloud on your computer.
That is how to download your cut files from Etsy to your iPhone. Check out the video below for the complete step by step directions.